Every day we're exposed to environmental endocrine disrupters; they are chemicals than can cause damage to our hormonal system. These chemicals can mimic or trick your body into thinking they are hormones. The endocrine system is a type of messenger system that controls the growth, development, metabolism, and reproduction of the body.
What happens when we interact with them? The skin is our largest and most vital endocrine organ. When exposed to certain chemicals such as phthalates, BPAs, and parabens it can cause our hormones to fluctuate. Endocrine disruptors can affect the skin by causing dehydration, loss of elasticity, premature wrinkle development, and increased inflammation. Treating hormonal skin changes can be complex and may require more effort.
To try and avoid products containing this disruptor you could:
Check labels and avoid products containing phthalates.
Avoid fragrances and opt for cosmetics labeled “no synthetic fragrance”.
Some products can contain EDCs (Endocrine-disrupting chemicals) or they are packaged in containers that can leach EDCs in cosmetics, lotions, and shampoos.
Soy-based products contain phytoestrogens, which are chemicals produced by plants that mimic estrogen.
Select products labeled “Phthalate-Free”, “BPA-Free”, and "Paraben-Free".
The good news! Don’t stress! The excessive amount of new information concerning the chemicals we interact with daily can be very overwhelming. One simple thing you can do is read the labels and use apps like "Think dirty" and "Yuka" to scan the products you're using to better understand the ingredients in them. Luckily, I can help guide you in discovering products that are safe and free from these EDCs.